How to Protect Adsense Account To Getting Disable Banned for Violating

How to protect Google Adsense Account getting banned or permanently disable due to invalid clicks or invalid activity, When you get Genuine Full Approved Adsense Account you feel happy but  if you lost that for  Violating, feel very sad. Now days many people account Getting Disable Banned for unwanted clicks or high culture. Many times you can see this line., That I don't know why, my AdSense account was disabled without any warning, What i do now, Adsense is the most powerful platform for make money using blog, So every webmaster wanna get this and also wanna secure it.

As you know after Approve Yahoo Media Net Account, They will never disable, Because Approved BuySellAds Account work on page view, So they will never notice on invalid clicks and clicks on the same IP or high CTR on low traffic, But you know this is working with different way, Its working on Pay per click system, so it's always ready to take action against these sites which doing this.

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How to protect Adsense Account To Getting Disable Banned for Violating image photo

Why My Adsense Account Disable Can I Get It Again

This question is not unique,  Its can happen with every webmaster,  There are many example, means there are many site which also lost their account without any reason, I am providing you best Example which is, he is more professional from you, So I think it's happening with you, Mostly they are not disable any account,

Actually, The Google love Adsense publisher because they are achieving their business target, You know Google getting high money in Adwords or for Advertising, This money Google can take when a publisher will show their Ads,  But Google also their Adword customers more, He wanna use their money with right use, Most people doing a bad activity which also against of it's policy, Most people also don't know about this,

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How to protect Adsense Account To Getting Disable Banned for Violating image photo

How To get Again Disable or Banned Adsense account Again

There is no full chance to get again your Adsense account back, If they will see any unfair activity in your account, Then they will send you disable email with some reason, You can remove or solve these anti policies contents or any which Google don't wanna see. Read once again Adsense policies and just resolve your complete site and send it to review team, Maybe you will secure your site to the Disable Banned Adsense Account.

Tips To protect Your Adsense Account To Getting Banned or Disable By Violating

Tips and Tricks You must Know for Make Adsense Biggest Journey and enjoy this biggest online advertising program by go ahead with this -

Fake Invalid Click - Most people are losing their Adsense account due to Invalid clicks,  Actually, people clicking unwanted clicks, using VPN and changing IP, But they don't know  Google is more smarter, He can find out everything which connected to Google,  So if you wanna long drive with Adsense then don't click on own ads.

If you find more invalid click or High CTR then you can inform it to AdSense team, Just fill this form for the report invalid clicks contact. It will help you banned  or disabled for high CTR.

How to protect Adsense Account To Getting Disable Banned for Violating image photo

Don't Send your Site URL on Chat - Its same as don't ask your friends to click on ads, If you also not said for click but if you will send your site URL or your site post URL to your friends and if your friend will click on your ads then Google will think that you are saying about this, So trying to avoid sending URL and also avoid more chat on Facebook and similar social sites.

More Ads on Page - To get more impression people adding more ads in one page,  Adsense giving fix amount for put ads on your site, means three ads and two to three links ads, But most adding more ads, So don't add more ads on a page, for better understand you can visit the official page for ads providing policy.

Add Privacy policy Page - You know Adsense ads give a privacy policy for every user, So if are you a publisher of Adsense ads then you must add a privacy policy page,  Mostly this page all people are using so, I think most are not getting Adsense banned or disable problem due to privacy policy page not find.

Fake Traffic - If are you generating fake traffic using online tools or third party sites, Then it's really more bad for you,  You can lost your account, Maybe it can disable or banned your account permanently. So always avoid fake traffic for your site, Always trying to get organic traffic.

Remove Low quality Ads - If are you using low quality ads this, then its can bad effect for your Adsense account, You can use BuySellAds, or Yahoo media ads, Infolinks with Adsense, If you will using another sites ads, Then it's also affect you, and may be its can banned your  account.

Copyright and Spam - If are you providing copyright material on your blog, like cracking, hacking or any other likes others, When I was new on blogging then my one Blogspot also disable for this reason.

Unsupported language - If are you set up your ads on unsupported language site, Then its can disable or banned, never use unsupported language for Adsense ads.

Altering the Adsense code - If you will Altering the Adsense code then you are also a victim of Adsense disable or banned, Don't change any ads codes,

After banned or Disable Mostly Adsense Not get Back Again

There are many examples whereof many webmasters, which are saying that their is one percentage chance to get back Adsense again, So always make sure above things, and avoid any invalid or bad activity against Google,  If you will follow above things then its will never disable or banned. If you have any tips and tricks for avoiding Google Adsense to getting banned, then please ask us,


  1. hey bro what do you means by "two to three links ads". which links are these..explain me in detail plz... i know what is as bit links..?

    This is very helpful :)

  2. hello bro what do u mean by "two to three links ads"..what do you mean by links.? help me ..


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